Common Questions Regarding Cell Tower Leases

cell tower questions

Common Questions We Get Asked Regarding Cell Tower Leases

Below are some common questions that we get asked regarding cell tower leases. Below the questions, click on the image shown to get the answers to those questions.

– Will hiring Tower Advantage prevent the cell tower company from wanting to “do a deal” with me?

– What are the most important “things” I should focus on in the proposed cell tower lease?

– When is the best time to renegotiate my lease?

– Do I get paid if my cell tower tenant subleases the tower to another company?

– Can you help me get my cell tower tenant to pay me past due amounts of rent and/or taxes and utility payments?

– How can Tower Advantage help me get the largest purchase price for my cell tower lease?

– Why would I sell my lease when I will not get as much money compared to collecting the rent for the next 30 years?

Click on the image below to get the answers. You can also get more answers to other frequently asked questions by clicking on FAQs. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

To learn more about the President of Tower Advantage, please select the following:

Shival S. Bushan, Esq.

In order to learn more about the various kinds of services that we offer, please select one of the following options for more information:

Cell Tower Lease Buyout

Cell Tower Lease Extension or Renewal

Negotiating a New Cell Tower Lease

Cell Tower Attorney

Marketing Your Property For a New Cell Tower Lease

Rooftop Cell Site Lease

Flexible Cost of Services

Other Cell Tower Lease Services

Contact our experts at Tower Advantage
to get answers to your cell site questions.

(833) MY-TOWER
(833) 698-6937

2019 Cell Tower Lease Rates

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