Commercial Property Cell Tower Lease

Commercial Property Cell Tower Lease

Whether you own a strip mall, an outlet mall, or a skyscraper, Tower Advantage has the experience and proven track record to ensure that you are properly represented by a cell tower lease expert.

Commercial property owners are typically very familiar with commercial leases and understand comparables, unfortunately, obtaining economic data on a particular type of cell tower lease is not readily available on the internet or in the marketplace.

In addition, the provisions that commercial property owner may expect are not necessarily the ones to which a cell tower tenant will agree.  For those reasons, among others, commercial property owners understand the value of engaging a telecommunication expert that has negotiated thousands of these commercial property leasing transactions.

Whether you have been approached by a company looking to put a cell tower on your commercial property; you have been contacted by a company looking to purchase an existing cell tower lease; or you have any other concerns regarding a telecommunication facility related to your property, the experts at Tower Advantage can provide you with powerful insight into your best options.

Generally speaking, the party with the most information usually wins. And not surprisingly, the companies contacting you are working for their own interests, not yours.  Don’t let yourself be fooled by sweet talk!

For more than two decades, the experts at Tower Advantage have been helping commercial property owners across the United States — so please do not hesitate to learn how we can help you as well.  Why not better understand all of your options so you can make an informed decision — you have nothing to lose.

Contact Tower Advantage today to learn more about how we can provide you with the commercial property cell tower lease expertise that you deserve!

(833) MY-TOWER
(833) 698-6937

Commercial Property Cell Tower Lease

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